
Larry Klemm


About Larry Klemm

I live in the Kealing neighborhood in East Austin and have served on the boards of my neighborhood association and OCEAN, an East Austin diversity preservation group.

I love helping with relocations and renovations. I renovated three of my prior homes and am doing remodeling my current home too. Prior to becoming a real estate agent, I worked for Mercedes-Benz, including in sales for two decades. My roles there taught me problem-solving skills, professionalism and having attention to detail. I also learned the value of providing high-end client service and counseling, which are important for my work as a real estate agent.

I love so many things about living in Austin, including music scene, the focus on arts and culture, the friendliness of the people, and the relaxed atmosphere. You can often find me and my wife Holly volunteering at one of the many cultural events or conferences around town, including One World Theater and the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians as our way of giving back to the city that we love so much.

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